On behalf of the Tamil Nadu Arasu Cable TV Corporation, digital service will commence from today (Friday, 1st September). In the 1st Phase, 32 customers were given set-top boxes.
The central government has given permission to the state government to provide digital cable TV services. Subsequently, The Tamil Nadu State Government floated a tender for the procurement of the required 75 Lakhs set-top boxes. In the 1st phase, a few thousand set-top boxes have been delivered. So, the digital cable service is set to commence today.
The Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, E. Palanisamy, has inaugurated the control room located at Chennai, Nungambakkam today from the secretariat through the Video Conference mode.
The Chief Minister also distributed set-top boxes for the customer (1 each for a representative from each of the 32 districts in the state of Tamil Nadu).
With the monthly charges of Rs. 125, 180 channels are available in this service. Other ‘package offers’ are also available.