Chennai Corporation joined hands with the Public works department and Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance board to clear all the shops laid on the West Cooum road that connects Egmore and Anna Salai. The project aims at clearing more than 287 shops along the sides of Cooum River for the renovation. The green zones will be developed on the roads clearing up the congestion between Rajarathinam stadium and Colonel’s Laws Bridge.
Renovating the entire sewage system as an initial step to clean the Cooum River was the base idea for project pushing the authorities to clear all the mechanic shops and auto spare parts dealers. People doing their regular business operations from these shops are now afraid of losing their livelihood as the government didn’t allocate proper replacing locations. Before the allotment of lands the eviction process has begun affecting the employment opportunities of the people who were largely dependent on the locality.
Official reports suggest the relocation of these shops and houses far away from the city, mainly around Singamperumal Kovil and Chengalpet. The allocated areas have very few facilities and under populated confirming the degradation of such mechanic or spare parts shops.
In spite of all the chaos the project is moving forward aiming at the conversion of the congested road with green plantations and space widening. Transportation of cabs or autos in the areas were very much restricted in the past and now the clearance of the shops ensures better traffic control in the locality.