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Central Highways Ministry decides on a new 4-lane highway Chennai-Surat

Posted on: 19/Jun/2019 1:00:56 PM
The central Ministry for road transport and Highways has decided to lay a new 4-lane highway between Chennai-Surat.

The Planning Director of the National Highway Council (Hyderabad), K. R. Kiran shared the information under the RTI (Right to Information) that once this is completed, the distance between Mumbai and Chennai will get reduced by 100 km.

With an eager plan to link all the important locations in the country through highways, the central ministry of Road Transport and Highways have been upgrading the Chennai-Surat Highway.

Under the ‘Bharat Mala Paribojana’ Plan, a new highway, for a distance of 1461 km, will be laid covering the route via the cities Nasik, Ahmednagar, Solapur, Kurnool, and Cudappah. This project expanded in the segment Syrat-Ahemadnagar section which will facilitate linking Maharashtra and Telangana as well.

With this, the distance between Chennai-Mumbai by road travel will reduce by 100--120 km.

The Planning Director of the National Highway Council (Hyderabad), K. R. Kiran shared in this regard:

‘The traffic density in the Pune-Bengaluru 6-lane highway is quite high. So, in order to reduce this, a third highway is being laid via Akalkot, Mehboobnagar, and Tirupathi. This will reduce the travel distance between Chennai-Mumbai.’