Kumari Palany & Co

89 year old Madras flying club building is a thing of past now

Posted on: 24/Jun/2019 9:55:37 AM
The residents of Chennai would have been familiar with 89 year old building that housed the Madras Flying Club at the airport. Important information collected is this club has been instrumental in grooming hundreds of pilots in Chennai city was demolished by the AAI or Airport Authority of India just few days back. Point is the space would be used for straightening of taxi track in the airport. It was said by some officials belonging to airport that the demolition work was to give way for airports airside expansion work.

It must be noted that though the building was handed over for expansion work the hanger with a few aircraft is yet to be pulled down. Information collected is the straightening work has been going on for many months now and not would be completed soon. By this, the efficiency would be improved. Point is aircraft fuel would be saved as the time taken to taxi to the main runway would be reduced and flight delays would also come down.

Honorary secretary of Madras Flying Club, Mr. Jacob Selvaraj had written letters to prime minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi and chief minister of TN, Mr. E. Palaniswami that the government must stop the demolition work till alternative arrangements are made for shifting the hangar to Trichy airport.

It was stated in the letter written by the honorary secretary that the Madras Flying Club has agreed to shift the flying club to Trichy airport with the negotiation made by the government of TN, transport secretary. It was also mentioned in the letter that a MoU was signed between Government of TN, AAI and Madras Flying Club in this aspect with AAI to provide accommodation at the Trichy airport. Mr. Jacob Selvaraj wanted the building to be preserved by both the governments as it is 90 years old.  It is important to mention that a 2 acre land that was promised for establishing the club at Trichy airport has not been identified till now.

Mr. Jacob Selvaraj was clear that unless the land is identified and given formally by the government, the operations cannot be shifted. Land would be required for hangar, building classrooms and other facilities.  He finally mentioned about the airport entry passes for the staffs and students and spoke about how without entry passes it would be difficult to function. Important information is in the last 3 years the club having as many as 250 members did not conduct any flying classes.

It should be noted that the Madras Flying Club is one of the oldest and premier flying clubs in India. This club offers pilot training programmes plus many para aviation courses is well known.