Vijay, renowned actor will grace a prestigious event organized by his social welfare organization, Vijay Makkal Iyakkam (VMI), to felicitate exceptional students who have achieved the top three ranks in their respective constituencies in the Class 10 and Class 12 examinations. Bussy Anand, the esteemed General Secretary of VMI, officially announced this noteworthy initiative today.
The felicitation ceremony, scheduled for June 17, will take place at an exclusive venue in Chennai`s Neelankarai area. Vijay, known for his sincere dedication towards uplifting society, will personally present certificates and grants to the accomplished students and their proud parents.
This momentous occasion promises to recognize and applaud the academic brilliance achieved by these young achievers, reinforcing the importance of education in shaping a brighter future for Tamil Nadu. The event stands as a testament to Vijay`s continuous efforts to support and motivate the youth to strive for excellence in their educational pursuits.