Kumari Palany & Co

An important recommendation from Chennai doctors for the kids and senior citizens!!

Posted on: 21/Aug/2023 9:31:12 AM
The monsoon season is fast approaching now and usually in the monsoon season there would be large number of infections, flu, fever etc cases in the hospitals in Chennai.   

In this scenario, the IAP or Indian Academy of Paediatricians and doctors at WHO have recommended that the children between ages 6 months to 5 years and senior persons must be given flu vaccination every year.

According to Dr. Mohan Kumar , paediatrician at SMCH in Chennai, even the doctors and the first year PG students get issues like flu, fever, cough etc as they deal with many high volumes of patients every day.

General surgeon at Dr. U. Mohan Rau Hospitals, Dr. Ramesh Kumar was of the view that the annual 4in 1 flu vaccine could protect the kids against flu. He threw light on how all the 4 types of flu viruses mutate continuously and new strains would circulate each year. It is true that the immunity provided by the previous vaccination would not be sufficient to safeguard against the newly mutated strains of viruses.

The children with health issues like asthma, diabetes, hear and lung diseases etc must get annual vaccination for flu even after the have completed 5 years. this was according to the Centre for Diseases Control.