Kumari Palany & Co

Know about these fantastic new additions to the Devi Karumariamman temple in Thiruverkadu in Chennai?

Posted on: 23/Aug/2023 9:29:08 AM
Within two years, the devotees coming to the highly popular Devi Karumariyamman temple in Thiruverkadu would be able to see 3 new gopurams or towers. These towers would be constructed as a part of kumbabishekam and an amount of Rs 80 cr would be spent for this. It is well known to us that this famous temple has been attracting lots of devotees.

Mr. P. Sekarbabu, minister for HR & CE spoke about how entrances and gopurams built would play a huge role in crowd management at the temple. Point is that the roads would be leading to the gopurams and one of them would have 5 tiers and two would be of 3 tiers each. At present, the temple has got just one entry and exit and the devotees face lots of issues. This temple witnesses huge crowds on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays and managing the crowd has become very tough. For the convenience of the devotees, shops would be built along the parking spaces.

Granite stones based sanctum sanctorum:

The minister then explained that as a part of kumbabishekam brick and mortars of several  mandapams here would be replaced by granite stones. The important piece of information is that the main sanctum sanctorum of the Goddess Devi Karumariyamman (those housing the 22 deities in the prakaram and pudhu medai) would also get granite structures.

Expansion of annadhana mandapam:

With the waiting hall on the ground floor, the annadhana mandapam would also get expanded. In the first floor there would be annadhanam koodam and on the second floor there would be rooms for miscellaneous uses.

Shifting of pongal mandapam:

Devotees cook pongal offerings in the open at the pongal mandapam and this pongal mandapam would be shifted from Rajagopuram side to north side. In the north side, hair tonsuring or mottai adithal and ear piercing or kaadhu kuthuthal etc would be there.

Construction of wedding hall:

It is also mentioned that a small wedding hall with a seating capacity of 200 and 40 cottages would also be constructed. This would help those devotees who stay here overnight as  a part of the rituals.