Kumari Palany & Co

Bomb Threat Hoax Strikes Chennais PSBB Millennium School Again; Investigations Underway

Posted on: 04/Mar/2024 3:54:28 PM
PSBB Millennium School in Chennai faced another bomb threat via email, marking the second incident in four days. Similar to the previous threat on Friday, an unidentified person sent an email threatening a bomb detonation on Monday, March 4. Promptly responding, the school staff notified the police in Mangadu, leading to the evacuation of students to the playground. Parents were immediately informed to pick up their children, with some accompanying them home.

The Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad (BDDS) conducted a thorough search of the school premises, ultimately declaring the threat a hoax. Investigations are ongoing to identify the person responsible for the email threats. Notably, last month, 13 private schools in Greater Chennai Police limits received similar bomb threat emails, leading to thorough searches and subsequent declarations of hoaxes by the police.