Kumari Palany & Co

Imposing Visiting Hours Rules- Government Hospitals

Posted on: 25/Dec/2013 12:02:31 PM
In order to control the count of the visitors in all Government medical college and hospitals, the Health Department is firmly imposing on the visitors and attendants pass practice. The TamilNadu Health System Projects is mainly concentration on this approach. 

This approach includes: All district hospitals , states that each patient will cover one visitor and one attendant pass. One attendant can stay with the patient and the visitors can visit the patient at the stipulated time of 4 p.m to 6 p.m. The attendants can bring in lunch at the mentioned time of 7 a.m to 9 a.m and 12 noon to 2 p.m.

Since the security personnel is getting filled, this may give 100 percent confident on this approach will work out well. The recruitment of this security via private agency will be finished by the end of December. The dean of the Government Stanley Hospital S.Gethalakshmi and the dean of the Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital V.Kanagasabai say that they are already insisting the issuance of pass to the visitors and security guard control to monitor the crowd management. 

The control of the visitors who have come from other districts to visit the patients and at that times the rules are little liberal, the officials added.