Kumari Palany & Co

Store Harmful Kerosene Away from Kids, Especially during summer!

Posted on: 24/Jun/2014 11:21:39 AM
It is very essential to preserve certain things away from the reach of the Children at home. Kerosene lies top in the list of the harmful things.

There prevail a number of occurrences, where children intake kerosene by mistake, as kerosene is stocked up in used water and soft drink containers at home. 

During the summer season the cases of kerosene ingestion is more, since children access water bottles more often to stifle their thirst, says doctors.

Provided below, few suggestions on highlighting what not to do during the emergency of kerosene ingestion.

Don’t force the kid to take vomit, as it can ground severe hurt to the stomach and lungs.
The vomit of the ingested kerosene may trigger aspiration to the lungs.
Immediate admission of the kid to the hospital is the best solution.
As Kerosene is the evaporating liquid, to put a curb to infection like ‘chemical pneumonitis’, it is advisable to take the X-Ray after six hours of the ingestion.
To the worst case, the toxic fumes make the children to the lethargic state and to its extent, children may lead to coma.


The children will be kept under the observation to monitor the level of oxygen saturation either on whether the respiratory pain is augmenting.

In case of chemical pneumonia, doctors will suggest the children on antibiotics. Till now, the medication is symptomatic. Most of the case, after this treatment the children will become steady and recuperate soon.