Kumari Palany & Co

IBM Recommends Citizen-friendly Tax System for Chennai Corporation

Posted on: 06/Aug/2014 4:42:51 PM

Recently, IBM granted its suggestions to the Chennai Corporation Commissioner and several other revenue department officials on yielding ample revenue to support several infrastructural projects and civic amenitities.

Best among the recommendations were the ‘three-week pro bono conferring engagement’ sponsored by an IBM Smarter Cities Challenge. A special team from IBM has been indulged in identifying the ways to make the tax collecting and submitting process even simpler, precise, efficient and reliable. Technology is gradually more getting entrenched into our day-to-day life and we trust to influence the same to bump up our services.

As per the corporation records, there are about 200 wards constituted under Chennai corporation. Revenue taxes have been collected through regional and central municipal offices either manually or through banks and various online modes.

The IBM specialists used up around three weeks of time in collecting relevant data, interviewing officials, businesses and citizens and then revealed the meticulous plan that the Chennai corporation must implement few functional and administrative methodologies engaged  in several  winning, large profitable establishments.

The backing of further advanced technologies might also be helpful to the city, assisting give up a more translucent and citizen-friendly tax system. This system would facilitate helpful data to be more clearly circulated, submitted and behold.

Subsequent to the IBM`s Smarter Cities Challenge grant proposal, IBM assigns teams of its specialists to help out municipalities adopt high priority projects that associate to health, transportation, economic development, finance, sustainability and public safety.