Kumari Palany & Co

A byte on tiffin

Posted on: 07/Aug/2014 3:19:07 PM
Considering Chennai, tiffin is that mini snack that triggers serious business hours in the mid-morning and swings hello to the closing time in the evening. Moving up to the north of our country, it is just a tuck box filled with homemade nourishments with aromas contained intact. In southern regions, these tiffin items cannot be contained; rather these are served hot with Chutneys and traditional Sambar flagging the pre-dinner or pre-lunch fire in the tummy.

Remembering school days, the little hands, as it removes the socks, shouts asking what today’s evening tiffin is. Tiffin, during school days, is only a small plate full of sweet or savory. The term Tiffin is a colonial coinage extracted from the 19th century usage. It refers to a very light meal or snack that is usually taken during teatime. Few sources claim this to be a corruption of British reference, pointing it as a light drink or sip.