State government of Tamil Nadu has announced that the birthday of the recently departed former president Dr. Abdul Kalam will be celebrated as `Youth Rising Day`.
In the recent press release, Chief Minister Jayalalithaa had paid tribute to the departed president as a multi-talented person who was a great son of Tamil Nadu. Dr. Abdul Kalam dream that India would become a Super Power in 2020. He shared the secret for success with the students.
He served as a guide-light or beacon for the younger generation and students. His birthday on 15th October will be observed as the `Youth Rising Day`.
As an appreciation of Dr. Abdul Kalam`s memories, Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Award will be given on Independence Day,
15th August. A person from Tamil Nadu who excelled in Science Development, Humanity and Student Welfare will be award with 8 grams gold medal and Rs, 5 Lakhs cash prize, certificate and Dr Abdul Kalam Award.