Kumari Palany & Co

Rules on programs conducted in government playgrounds

Posted on: 08/Jul/2016 3:08:55 PM
The Government of Tamil Nadu has imposed new rules to conduct programs or events at government playgrounds like Nehru stadium. In an order passed by the government, it is stated that the racing tracks should only be used for conducting running race and not for any other event. Events conducted in artificial race tracks need to be carefully done such that there is no damage caused to it.
No stage or turning or welcoming notes should be set up neither of natural nor artificial running tracks. This is completely banned. Setting up party flag or banner is strictly not allowed.
Audience must be only on their respective seats and not roam here and there. While conducting cultural events at natural running tracks, a total of 250 organizers and securities are only permitted. Audience must leave the stadium once the event gets over. They are not allowed to stay within the stadium or on the ground.
Events allowed
In its note about this, the government has hinted that events including award distribution events, events related to policemen, celebrations by women police, award distribution for special forces, self help groups, conferences conducted by scientists or educationalists, national youth festivals, Right to Education events, government award distribution or appreciation functions, and flood relief command centre are permitted to be organized here.
Apart from this, music dance or drama will also be permitted. Religious and political events will be banned completely.