Since Tamil Nadu did not receive sufficient rains during the northeast monsoon, a severe drought is gripping. Harvest of paddy has come down. Because of this, the prices of paddy are going up. A bag of 76 kilo Rupali Ponni paddy was sold for Rs 1400 last month. Now the prices are increased by Rs 200 and are being sold for 1600.
Similarly the Deluxe Ponni paddy bag which was sold for Rs 1600 is being sold for Rs 1800. Bapatla Ponni paddy which was sold for Rs 1800 is now being sold for Rs 2000. Since the prices of paddy has gone up, the prices of rice has also been increased. 75 kg bag of Bapatla Ponni rice which was sold for Rs 3500 is now being sold for Rs 3700. First quality Bapatla Ponni rice which was sold for Rs 3700 is now selling at Rs 3900. Rupali Ponni rice which was selling at 2200 is now being sold for Rs 2400 and Deluxe Ponni rice which was selling at Rs 2800 is now being sold for Rs 3000.
Since there is no harvest of paddy in Tamil Nadu, the paddy is being brought from Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and West Bengal. Since this has to come from a long way in lorries, the rent for the lorries will also be included along with the paddy bags. This is the reason for the rise in price.
On the other hand, the steam rice which comes to Tamil Nadu from neighbouring States like Andhra and Karnataka has also become very less. Because of this, the prices are increasing. 25 kg bag of Karnataka steam rice which was sold for Rs 1150 is now being sold for Rs 1250. Andhra steam rice which was selling for Rs 1000 is now being sold for Rs 1100.
Rupali Ponni rice which is grown in Tamil Nadu was selling for Rs 800 per 25 kg. Now this is being sold for Rs 900. Deluxe Ponni rice which was sold for Rs 900 is now being sold for 1000. Adisya Ponni Rice which was selling for Rs 1000 is now being sold for Rs 1100. Moreover the first grade Bapatla Ponni rice which was Rs 1200 has now become Rs 1300. Second grade Bapatla Ponni rice which was sold for Rs 1100 is now being sold for Rs 1200. White Ponni rice which was sold for Rs 1400 is now being sold for Rs 1500. First grade Idly rice bag which was earlier sold for Rs 900 is now being sold for Rs 1000 and the second grade Idly rice which was sold for Rs 800 is now being sold for Rs 900.
The first quality Basmati rice which was sold for Rs 90 a kilo is now being sold for Rs 110. Second quality Basmati rice which was sold for Rs 70 is now being sold for Rs 90. Similarly, the third quality Basmati rice which was selling for Rs 50 has been hiked to Rs 70.