Kumari Palany & Co

Chennai Rains Update (Tamil Nadu Weatherman)

Posted on: 23/Jun/2018 7:23:28 PM
Models have bias by showing daily rains but atmosphere is stable and suppressed -Not much chance of rains.

For the past 5 days, models are showing rains for Chennai, but i feel there is some bias in the model and predicting rains on daily basis. The met department and also all the available sites, apps and all top three models (ECMWF, UKMET and GFS) have expected rains tonight for Chennai and other parts of Tamil Nadu.

I too expected rains few days ago but did not fall in the trap after that, as the sky clearly showed sign of fair weather, none of the cumulus sustained to grow beyond a point. In the evening, the sea breeze showed some development but that too did not have any incoming clouds to give its moisture.

Hence, we can rule out rains tonight too. Mostly fair weather to continue in Chennai and most parts of Tamil Nadu.

Waiting for this pattern to change and see a growing congest us cloud and that will be the sign for Chennai that atmosphere is conducive for Thunderstorms & rains.