Retail outlets are present in the Chennai city airport terminals is known. Now the news that has come out is starting from 15th of August 2018, the city airport might go without any retail outlets at its terminals. Notice has been issued by AAI or Airport Authority of India to the present shops regarding their contracts that would not be extended any further. It is clear that a new retail contractor would be taking over but retailers are not yet confirmed. There is no idea at present when the new shops would be set up by the company. This was confirmed by the officials belonging to AAI. Discussions with the current firms have also not started by the company.
After making its presence felt for 60 years at the Chennai airport, Higginbothams shut its shop just few days ago is known. As most retail outlets could not function beyond mid next week, these outlets have downed their shutters. Based on the tender that was floated in the month of May, a new master concessionaire was appointed.
In its international as well as in domestic terminals, AAI has allotted around 1228sqm of space for the retail units. In the airport in Chennai, the shops selling apparels, books, jewellery, personal care and cosmetics, medicines, electronics, footwear and packaged food and beverages are making their presence felt. It must be noted that the international terminals have been allotted maximum space of 720sqm and for the retail outlets domestic terminals would have space of 503.93sqm. According to the new retail policy of AAI, the new stores would be set up and the objective of this new policy is to make the retail outlet more passenger-friendly and vibrant. Existing retail shops would be asked to move out without specifying the deadline and this is done for the sake of the new shops.
As per the AAI source it is now revealed that for a few months there would not be any retail outlets at the Chennai airport terminals. It might take 6 months of time for the new contractor to install new shops. Since the shops selling foods and beverages are run by a separate contractor these shops would not be affected. There would soon be a meeting between AAI and officials of the existing retail outlets so that the shops selling critical goods to the passengers plus pharmacies etc would not be affected in the transition period. For the new concessionaire to take over the space and set up new retail outlets the existing shops have to move out. The existing shops could either move out or associate with the new contractor for continuing. The notice was issued for this purpose. An official belonging to AAI assured that the passengers would not face any issue as steps are being taken in this regard.