The monsoon has failed and freshwater resources are becoming scarce now. It is now said that the Chennai metro water department would use tertiary treated wastewater to supply water to the city of Chennai. This would be done on trial basis and the chances that it might happen in this summer are low. Bids to construct 10 mld capacity tertiary treatment plants in places like Nesapakkam and Perungudi has been called by the agency now. By this the recycled water would be released into Porur and Perungudi lakes. It was pointed out by the officials of the metro water department that the capacity could be scaled up to 100 mld.
The officials spoke about how they have got plans to treat the water from the above mentioned lakes and link it to the existing Chennai city water supply network. The officials hinted about the construction of additional 6 mld water treatment plant near Porur Lake. IIT Madras model use of reclaimed water is being taken into consideration and this project would be implemented based on that now.
It is well known that the lakes are the major resources for Chennai city water supply and they depend on monsoon. During the drought, these lakes fail to quench the thirst of the people belonging to the Chennai city. To augment water resources infrastructure, the state government has sanctioned an amount of Rs 79 crores for various projects recently. The important point is only negligible volumes of recycled water would be discharged into the lakes as of now.
An official quoted the example of Porur Lake and said it has got a capacity of 70 million cubic feet and if 100 mld of reclaimed water was released then it would be equal to 3.5 mcft. The amazing piece of information gathered now is the water agency is planning to build an on-site treatment plant in places like Retteri, Ayanambakkam and in Perumbakkam etc in the future.