Kumari Palany & Co

In Chennai, air quality becomes bad now

Posted on: 19/Jun/2019 10:18:10 AM
The annual air pollution report card of Chennai city is out and it is grabbing many eyeballs now. The point is Chennai city’s air quality index or AQI alternated between moderate and satisfactory and good days being few and far in between. It is known that Adyar in Chennai has got good air quality levels when compared to other places in Chennai. In this Adyar also poor days in air quality were present between April 2018 and March 2019. Point revealed was Adyar had poor days despite being near to the sea where dispersion happens due to the sea breeze.

Information collected is satisfactory days are those when the air quality levels are between 51 and 100 micrograms per cubic metre and moderate days are those when the levels are between 101 and 200 micrograms per cubic metre. The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board or TNPCB had released a report and according to the report annual average values of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide must be within the prescribed standards in all the 28 stations it monitors manually.

Vehicular movement has been responsible for the excess PM10 values in certain places in Chennai. It is well known that PM10 is particulate matter in the ambient air below the size of 10 microns. It was pointed out by the release from TNPCB that re-suspension of sand and dust matter on the roads due to heavy vehicular movement has been cited as the main reason for the higher values of PM10.

In Nungambakkam in Chennai, PM10 values touched a maximum of 173 microgram per cubic metre and Chennai city’s annual average touched 100 microgram per cubic metre. Information is the prescribed standards or annual average for the industrial, residential, rural and other areas are PM10 60 micrograms per cubic metre and PM10 2.5 to 40 micrograms per cubic metre.

It is important to mention that the maximum levels for all stations crossed 100 micrograms per cubic metre. Important places like T. Nagar has touched 138 micro grams per cubic metre, Anna Nagar touched 161 micro grams per cubic metre, Adyar touched 107 micrograms per cubic metre and Kilpauk 128 micrograms per cubic metre. The shocking information is Chennai city’s pollution level has been increasing as per the data of TNPCB.

Point to be noted is in 2016-17 the maximum levels of PM10 in the air we breathe/ambient air in places such as T. Nagar, Anna. Nagar, Adyar and Nungambakkam and Kilpauk had registered 113 micrograms per cubic metre, 104 microgram per cubic metre, 81 microgram per cubic metre, 137 micrograms per cubic metre and 125 micrograms per cubic metre respectively. Various parameters that are recorded are sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, PM 2.5 and PM 110 under the NAMP or national air quality monitoring programme.