Those who dump garbage in Adyar, Cooum and in the Buckingham rivers in Chennai would have to think twice from hereafter!!
It must be taken into note that the NGT or National Green Tribunal has ordered legal action against those who dump garbage in these rivers in Chennai.
It was mentioned by many newspapers that garbage was dumped in the Cooum river in Chennai. As a result, the south zone session of NGT has voluntarily registered a case and it has been investigating.
Regarding this case, the Judicial member of the session Justice Mr. Pushpasathyanarayana and Mr. Sathya Gopal, technical member have mentioned in their judgement that Chennai metro Water board must speed up the on going works regarding preventing untreated sewage into the Cooum canal, Adyar canal and Buckingham canal etc. Monitoring must be carried out regarding contamination.
They have mentioned that the quality of the water in the waterways must be tested and waterways must be raised. The floating plants present must be removed. Order also stated that dumping and encroachment of these 3 waterways in Chennai must be avoided and legal action would be taken against the miscreants. It must be noted that the police dept must provide their support to the departments concerned and carry out patrolling to prevent littering.