Kumari Palany & Co

Are you not eating enough, then you could show these signs!!

Posted on: 02/May/2023 9:32:25 AM
Many times we have heard medical professionals and others warning us about eating food in excess quantities or overeating that could be dangerous for our health. Not many of us would know that even eating food in less amounts or undereating could cause harm for us. We could get deficiency of essential nutrients and calories when we eat less. It is true that for the weight loss process there are many people who eat less but it might not be good for them in the long run.

When we don`t eat enough, then we would show these important signs, take care.

Low energy levels:

By eating few calories then we could get fatigue and less energy and we might not be able to carry out certain activities also.

Hair loss:

There are many reasons for hair loss like genetics, use of certain medications etc but inadequate intake of calories, proteins etc could lead to hair loss in us.

Constant hunger:

It must be noted that by eating less we could get hormonal shifts that could make us feel more hungry to compensate for the inadequate calorie intake.

Trouble in sleeping:

Poor sleep quality is associated with less intake of food. We might take a long time to get to sleep when we eat less food.

More irritations:

By eating less food for a long time, we could become more irritable also. This would affect our life to a huge extent.

Feeling cold:

There could be a decrease in the body temperature when we eat less amount of food. As a result, we could feel cold all the time.


This is also one important sign of poor eating or undereating. By eating less, there would be less waste product to form stool and movement of food through the digestive tract would be slow.