St. Peter’s University, Avadi, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Indian Medical Association, Tamil Nadu State Branch, at a brief function held on 30th August 2013 at St. Peter’s University, in the presence of Dr.D.S.Ramachandra Murthy, Vice Chancellor, St. Peter’s University, and Dr. S.Arulrhaj, President, IMA. The MoU will facilitate conduct of joint programs for the benefit of medical personnel, clinical technicians and the Public in the broad areas of bio medical engineering, instruments, diagnostic and therapeutic equipment`s, medical lab technology, prosthetic devices, health care management, hospital management and related subjects. It will also facilitate joint research projects involving members of IMA and faculty/students of St. Peter’s University. Dr.M.Shanmugham, Registrar, Dr.K.Kantharaj, Dean (Bio medical Engineering) and Ms.Subha Ramya (Bio medical Engineering) of St.Peter’s University, and Dr.M.Balasubramanian, IMA State President Elect, and Dr.J.A.Jayalal, Hon. General Secretary, IMA Tamil Nadu, participated.