Kumari Palany & Co

New Bridge in T.Nagar – Blue prints Available in Website

Posted on: 25/Dec/2013 1:02:56 PM
The plan of new bridge in T.Nagar, has been displayed in the Website for the people view.

A big survey for the plan of the bridge is delivered by the C.T.M Smith Organization. The bridge covers: T.Nagar Poke Street to South Usman Road and till the Abibulla Street.

This organization has stated 3 plans about the bridge to the corporation. These plans are kept under the people’s view on Monday evening meeting. Hell a lot of people participated in the meeting and shared their thoughts and ideas about the plan. During the construction of the bridge, the land ownership should not be under play, stated by the people.

In order to extend the opportunity for the people to share their view about the bridge construction, the blue print of the bridge plan is placed in the Website on Tuesday.

People can give their view till 6th January,2014. People can send their view at the email id : udayakumarr@ cdmsmith.com, mayor@chennaicorporation.gov.in . For more details people can contact : 044 40506666, informed by the corporation officials.