Kumari Palany & Co

What does petrol bunks say?

Posted on: 09/Nov/2016 12:16:33 PM
After the ATMs, petrol bunks are flooded with people after the government announced the demonetization of Rs.500 and 1000 currency notes with effect from midnight. The Central Government has ordered the petrol bunks to receive Rs.500 and Rs.1000 notes for 2 days.
Because of this, people’s concentration fell on petrol bunks. The petrol bunks also did not refuse Rs.500 and Rs.1000 currencies but they mentioned to fill the tanks for Rs.500 or give Rs.1000 and take petrol for Rs.500 and get the balance of Rs.500. The reason for this the Rs. 100 notes have been exhausted.
The people are fed up because of this and they are upset because they don’t have Rs.100 note in spite of having bundles of currencies.