Recently the bus fares were increased in the Tamil Nadu state and this created lot of problems for the public using bus as their mode of transport is known. There were many protests from the public in many places.
The latest news now is the revenue of Metropolitan Transport Corporation or MTC has stabilised with 58 percent increase in the number of monthly concession bus passes.
According to an official belonging to MTC sale of Rs 1000 worth monthly passes has increased to 79000 this month and that is high when compared to 50000 recorded in the last December month. It is now said that the daily revenue up to Rs 2.9 crores is got now and that is fantastic.
It must be noted that rates of these bus passes did not change even after the bus fares were increased by as much as 67 %. The demand for these bus passes have increased now even after MTC decided to remove Rs 50 worth daily bus passes.
It is interesting that corporate companies are also responsible for this increased monthly bus pass sales as these companies purchase these monthly passes in bulk quantities in order to avoid delay by their company employees.
One information piece of news that has come out now is other state transport corporations are not benefitted like MTC and these transport corporations are having 15% loss in their daily revenue. This week the average daily footfall has reduced to 38 lakhs from the 42 lakhs.
Founded in the year 1972 with headquarters in Anna Salai in Chennai this MTC has got nearly 4000 buses. It is worthy to mention that these MTC buses play huge role in the transportation of 5 million passengers daily. Broadway present in central Chennai is the largest bus terminus of this MTC is well known to us.