Kumari Palany & Co

Identity Card for Visitors - Chennai Government Hospitals

Posted on: 24/Dec/2013 4:55:11 PM
In Chennai Government hospitals, it has made compulsory on visitors identity card. In Rajiv Gandhi Government hospital, there are around 3000, in patients are admitted and hence to see the patients a lot of friends and relatives are getting accumulated in the hospital. In case of death, doctors are getting bombarded by the relatives.

Hence protections have been set in the hospital. One visitor can stay with the patients and visitor pass is given to them. Hence the visitors with this visitor pass can visit the patients. After three months the rules are little frozen, and situation has become, any people can come and visit the patient.

In this situation, 43 securities are involved in protection. Hence the visitors are now surrounded by the security checking. To prevent this, TamilNadu cleanliness department, has planned of giving visitors Identity card to the visitors.