Kumari Palany & Co

Cascading Effect - Blackout in north Chennai for more than 3 hours due to tripping of NCTPS-Sriperumbudur line!!

Posted on: 18/May/2024 9:17:33 AM

The north Chennai residents did not get power supply for 3 to 4 hours yesterday. The reason for this was due to the tripping of NCTPS- Sriperumbudur line. As a result, multiple substations got tripped and also led to tripping of 2 north Chennai Thermal Power Plant Stage 1 units.

At about 2:37 pm on Friday, north Chennai TPS Stage I`s unit-1 210 MW got tripped. This was after fault tipping of 230 kV NCTPS- Sriperumbudur line. This was later revealed by SRLDC or Southern Regional Load Despatch Centre generating unit outage reports.

It was explained by some sources belonging to Tangedco that fault tripping on the NCTPS- Sriperumbudur line led to cascading effect tripping 2 other transmission main lines and 3 backup lines. This led to cutting of power sources to various substations. The tripping of the source line led to trippings at substations in Manali, Almathi and Tondiarpet etc in north Chennai.

The superb piece of information is that all other transmission lines have restored power supply now except for the NCTPS-Sriperumbudur line. This was as per a senior officer from Tangedco. He hinted that the work on the Sriperumbudur line would be completed.