Kumari Palany & Co

Trade gets seriously affected with 35000 jewellery shops remaining closed

Posted on: 09/Mar/2016 4:30:00 PM
The gold & diamond Jewellery shops resumed their protest and strike today (9th March, Wednesday).

Trade worth several thousands of crores has been affected by this closure.

Along with the diamond and gold jewellery shop owners, the goldsmiths and other workers related to this industry are also on strike.

The secretary of Chennai Gold & Diamond Jewellery Shop Owners Association, Mr. S. Santhakumar, informed that the central government has imposed 1 percent Kalal Tax on gold jewellery. The reasons given for this are not acceptable. So, the strike will continue till the new tax is withdrawn.

Viswakarma workers and waxing workers have all lent their support for this strike.  Thus, the protest /strike have intensified further.

The secretary informed that they were ready to go to Delhi and continue their protest. This closure of shop has affected their business and results in loss of income. The central government is also suffering losses because of this strike.

So, the central government should not lose any further time to cancel the newly imposed Kalal Tax.