Kumari Palany & Co

Severe Heatwave Warning Issued for South India: Tamil Nadu Braces for High Temperatures!

Posted on: 24/Apr/2024 2:40:22 PM

The India Meteorological Department has issued a severe heatwave warning for multiple regions of South India, especially Tamil Nadu. The ongoing heatwave affecting Odisha since April 15 and West Bengal since April 17 may extend southward.

Over the next five days, East India and South Peninsular India, including states like West Bengal, Karnataka, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Sikkim, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, and Jharkhand, are expected to experience severe heatwaves. Additionally, high humidity levels along the coasts of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Karnataka, Goa, Kerala, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Bihar could intensify discomfort due to the heat.

A heatwave event is defined when temperatures soar to 40 degrees Celsius or higher in plain areas, 37 degrees Celsius in coastal regions, and 30 degrees Celsius or more in mountainous areas.

Specific parts of the interior districts of Tamil Nadu may see temperatures surge 2° – 4° Celsius above normal over the next five days. However, other districts of Tamil Nadu, Pudhuvai, and Karaikal regions are anticipated to experience minimal changes in maximum temperatures.

Temperatures ranging from 39° to 41° Celsius are expected in several places in the plains of North Tamil Nadu`s interior districts, while temperatures of 36° to 38° Celsius are forecasted for the plains of other districts of Tamil Nadu, Pudhuvai, and Karaikal.

The Chennai Meteorological Department has cautioned that today, April 24, there might be a heatwave in one or two places in the interior districts of North Tamil Nadu.