Kumari Palany & Co

Chennais Power Demand Plummets as Rainfall Eases Scorching Temperatures!

Posted on: 18/May/2024 10:25:32 AM

Recent intermittent and widespread rains in Chennai have led to a notable shift in the city`s energy landscape. Peak power demand saw a significant 20% reduction, dropping to 3,654 MW last Thursday. This decrease is primarily attributed to decreased air conditioner usage, thanks to relief from scorching temperatures. On May 16, temperatures remained lower at 29.3 degrees Celsius compared to the typical 37.4 degrees Celsius, further contributing to reduced power consumption.

According to a senior official from Tangedco, the extensive rainfall effectively curbed the city`s power demand, which had peaked at 4,590 MW earlier in May. Throughout the month, demand consistently exceeded 4,000 MW, with exceptions on May 12 (3,872 MW), May 15 (3,955 MW), and May 16 (3,645 MW).

Chennai`s energy consumption also witnessed a significant drop, falling to 82.26 million units from the record high of 97.43 MU observed on May 3. Over the past ten days, Tamil Nadu`s power demand has eased due to widespread rainfall across the state. Thursday saw the peak power demand decrease to 16,480 MW from an all-time high of 20,830 MW reported on May 2, marking a substantial reduction of 4,350 MW or 20%. Similarly, the state`s daily energy consumption declined to 368 million units on Thursday compared to the record consumption of 454.32 MU.

An official emphasized, "The state experienced a sharp surge in power demand during April and May, driven by high temperatures. However, the recent rainfall has led to a significant decrease in air conditioner usage at homes, thereby contributing significantly to the overall decline in power demand."