The iconic Udhayam Theatre in Chennai, known for its legendary celebrations of Rajinikanth films, closed its doors last month. Opened in 1983 by six brothers from Udhayathur, the theatre debuted with Rajini’s Sivappu Sooriyan and became synonymous with “Thalaivar” fans. Over the decades, it hosted grand releases for Rajini, Vijay, and Ajith films, becoming a landmark for moviegoers.
The four-screen multiplex—Udhayam, Mini Udhayam, Sooriyan, and Chandran—accommodated over 2,000 viewers. Its vibrant corridors and ticket counters, once bustling with excitement, now stand silent. The last film screened was Pushpa 2, leaving fans nostalgic for the days of grand celebrations.
Soon, the theatre will make way for a residential complex. “It was like a festival during film releases,” recalls Pencilaiya, a long-time housekeeper. Chennaiites, auto drivers, and visitors lament the loss of this cultural icon, which held countless memories for generations.