Tamil Nadu’s Transport Minister S.S. Sivasankar has launched the ‘Singara Chennai’ Smart Card, a prepaid card designed to streamline access to transportation services across metro trains, MTC buses, and other platforms that accept the National Common Mobility Card (NCMC).
In collaboration with the State Bank of India (SBI), the Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC) will distribute 50,000 cards free of charge during the first phase. The cards will be available to the public at 20 MTC depots, including Chennai Central, CMBT, Broadway, Poonamallee, Tambaram, Thiruvanmiyur, Velachery, Guindy, T Nagar, Kilambakkam, and other key locations.
MTC Managing Director Alby John Varghese stated that 98.5% of tickets are currently issued through electronic ticketing machines, ensuring compatibility with the smart card system. He also emphasized the card’s versatility, allowing payments for metro train tickets, MTC bus fares, metro parking, and any other NCMC-enabled platforms.
The Singara Chennai Smart Card can be recharged at MTC counters across the city or through online portals. Soon, commuters will also have the facility to recharge directly through MTC conductors. Transport staff have already received training for this initiative, with plans for additional specialised training to streamline payment acceptance.
The launch event, held at the MTC Central Depot, was attended by departmental officials and other dignitaries. This initiative is expected to significantly enhance the commuting experience, offering Chennai residents a more convenient and efficient way to travel.