Kumari Palany & Co

Krishna Jayanthi 2022! Ideal / auspicious time for performing special Pooja / Prayer!!

Posted on: 16/Aug/2022 1:18:16 PM
Ardent devotees of Lord Krishna throughout the world celebrate Lord Krishna`s birthday – known as Krishna Jayanthi – with great devotion and verve!

Lord Krishna was born on the day of the Star Rohini in the Tamil Calendar month of Aavani on Ashtami Thithi at midnight!

As such, Krishna Jayanthi or Gokulashtami is celebrated with great devotion grandly every year on this day – Start Rohini in the month of Aavani.

This year 2022, Krishna Jayanthi falls on the 19th of August (3rd of the Tamil Calendar month Aavani).  Those who lead their life dedicated to Lord Vishnu (Perumal) or Vaishnavites celebrate Krishna Jayanthi in a greand manner!

The guideline for prayer / pooja:

On the sacred day of Krishna Jayanthi, one should get up early in the morning, take bath and prepare the favourite items of Lord Krishna including butter, and sweet dishes made out of it. Butter plays an important role as the folklore and literature inform us the Lord Krishna, the child, had the habit of stealing butter from the Gopiks` houses even as playing with his friends!

As such, the public offers butter as one of the most important items while performing Pooja! Further, on this day, the devotees tend to think entirely of Lord Krishna observing fast and singing the devotional songs in praise of Lord Krishna!

Auspicious time - time-date - for performing Pooja!

In his childhood, Lord Krishna was ever-playful performing a variety of mischiefs and stealing the hearts of one and all!

The very incarnation of Lord Vishnu as Lord Krishna was for demolishing the evil Asuras and eliminating atrocities.

Lord Krishna`s birth on Ashtami (the 8th day after the New Moon Day) commences at 1.48 Am on 19th August and will be observed until 2.47 Am on the next day (20th August)!

The ideal time to perform Pooja is from 9.15 AM to 10.15 AM! Especially the most auspicious time to perform Pooja is from 12.15 PM to 1.15 PM!

At the same time, as Lord Krishna was born at night, the North Indians perform Pooja during the night as Krishna Janmashtami!

Hardships faced by Lord Krishna in this incarnation:

Well-known the world over as the Great Epics, Sri Ramayana and Sri Mahabharata, describe the incarnations of Lord Vishnu as Sri Rama and Sri Krishna!  

Lord Krishna suffered various hardships throughout this incarnation!  Even while he was in the womb of Devaki, his maternal uncle Kamsan had planned to kill Lord Krishna immediately after the birth!

Lord Krishna was born at midnight in the jail and then grew up as a child in Gokulam winning the hearts of everyone with his mischievous and divine deeds! In the end, he demolished the Demon (Asura) Kamsan, his maternal uncle!