TTD (Tirumalai Tirupathi Devasthanam Board) has decided to increase the price of popular Pradsaam (offering) of the Tirupathi temple - the Tirupathi Laddu. Accordingly, this news is expected to be announced shortly.
Lakhs of devotees visit the hugely popular Tirupathi temple every day to have the Darshan of the Lord Venkateswara. Laddu is offered to these devotees.
For the devotees who come for a free Darshan, Laddu is sold at Rs. 10 for 2 pieces.
For the devotees who undertake this pilgrimage by foot coming up the mountains, laddu is sold at Rs. 10 for 2 pieces and each additional piece, at Rs. 25 per piece.
For the devotees who have Darshan with the charges at Rs. 50 and Rs. 300, 2 laddus and 3 laddus .are given free respectively.
In this situation, TTD has announced that it costs Rs, 37 to prepare each piece of laddu. As it is sold at the above-subsidised prices, TTD incurs additional expenses of Rs. 200 Crores every year.
As TTD expected fierce retaliation from the devotees if the price is increased, it had so far been refraining in this regard.
However, after a recent review, TTD has decided to announce an increase in Laddu price shortly after a detailed discussion/consultation with the government regarding the extent of the price increase.