Following TRAI’s (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) orders, the monthly charges for the cable TV services were fixed at Rs. 130/-.
However, presently, the monthly cable TV charges remain at Rs. 200 to Rs. 250 in most places in our country. The company Cory Star submitted a petition to the supreme court seeking the ban on the monthly Rs. 130/- charges and a ban was imposed. However, the supreme court removed the ban.
Subsequently, the supreme court ordered that the cable TV services must provide channels recommended by the central government for a total of 100 channels at Rs. 130/- per month. TRAI further ordered that for the customers seeking additional channel, the service provider may charge an additional Rs. 20 for adding 25 more channels.
A TRAI official informed that it may take 3 to 4 months to implement this order. This decision has been taken in order that consumers interest should be answered and also the service will become more transparent. There must be no difference in monthly charges from one place to another.