The Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly Session commenced today with the Governor’s address. The Governor started his speech in Tamil with ‘Anaivarukkum Kaalai Vanakkam! Iniya Puthandu Nalvazhthukkal’ (Good Morning to All! Wish you a Happy New Year!)! Other important aspects of his address:
‘Lead a simple life! This is my main message! All the families with family ration cards will be given a Pongal special gift of Rs. 1000. This gift will be given throughout the state except for the Thiruvarur district.
‘Tamil Nadu Long-term Plan 2023’ will be a good guide to the development of other states as well. Electric buses will soon be introduced in the cities of Chennai and Madurai. Coimbatore remains as one of the safest cities for women.
Activities will be initiated soon for the start of the Athikkadavu Avinasi Project. The central government needs to consider giving additional aid for the Cyclone Gaja Relief Measures.
The central government has to accord top priority to the Port-Maduravoyal overbridge project. The state government will appeal to the Supreme Court regarding the Sterlite issue.’