Kumari Palany & Co

Booking LPG cooking gas cylinder becomes simpler!

Posted on: 12/Jun/2020 7:54:41 AM
Bharath Petroleum has introduced a new facility for its customers through WhatsApp!

Giving due consideration to the prevailing lockdown imposition and the customers’ hardships thereby and considering their well-being, Bharath Petroleum has introduced the facility to book for new LPG cooking gas cylinder through WhatsApp and also make the payment in digital mode. An exclusive telephone number has been announced for this purpose.

The customers need to call through the given cell phone number (as registered with the gas cylinder supplier) can send SMS to the number 1800224344 and register booking for a new LPG cooking gas cylinder.

Further, it has been announced that the customers may make the payment for the new cylinder ordered through the web link of Bharath Petroleum.

Another information passed on is that the guidelines to be followed for prevention of the raging coronavirus pandemic is strictly followed for the activity of distributing/delivering LPG cooking Gas Cylinders house-to-house!