Tamil Nadu’s first two-deck cruise restaurant is set to be inaugurated on Tuesday at Muttukadu, offering a blend of scenic beauty and fine dining. A Rs. 5 crore project by TTDC and Cochin-based Grandeur Marine International, the 125-foot-long boat features a 6,000 sq. ft. air-conditioned main deck, an open upper deck, restrooms, a DJ hall, a stage, and a multi-cuisine restaurant.
Designed for private celebrations, corporate events, or casual dining, the cruise can host up to 125 guests. Guests will also enjoy a three-km boat ride towards Old Mahabalipuram Road (OMR). The restaurant operates from 7:30 AM to 11 PM with advanced bookings required for events.
With safety measures like lifeboats and firefighting equipment in place, the cruise promises a unique dining experience blending luxury, nature, and Tamil Nadu’s signature hospitality.