Kumari Palany & Co

Six Planets to Align in the Night Sky: A Celestial Event for Astronomy Enthusiasts

Posted on: 22/Jan/2025 12:24:52 PM

A rare celestial spectacle will grace the skies starting Tuesday, as six planets align in a row, offering a unique opportunity for sky gazers. Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars will be visible to the naked eye, while Neptune and Uranus will require a powerful telescope to be seen.

Although planetary alignments are not uncommon, this event is special as it allows observers to see several planets at once. The Tamil Nadu Science and Technology Centre (TNSTC) is hosting a special night sky observation event for the public from January 22 to 25, from 6 PM to 8 PM, at the Periyar Science and Technology Centre in Kottupuram.

I.K. Lenin Tamilkovan, Executive Director of TNSTC, mentioned, "You can view Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars from your terrace or a beach. Mars will rise around 9 PM." While these planets can be observed individually throughout the month, on Wednesday, they will be in a perfect alignment within your field of view.

Despite the vast distances between these planets, they will appear closely aligned to the naked eye, creating an enchanting sight in the night sky.