Kumari Palany & Co

Important signs that show that the digestive system is in good shape!!

Posted on: 07/Sep/2024 9:23:05 AM

Thinking that a well balanced food that we eat would do wonders for our health, we simply eat all kinds of foods to keep our digestive system healthy isn`t it!!

Not many of us would know the truth that digestion is not just about eating healthy foods but it is about how well our body processes and absorbs nutrients. For our overall health and wellbeing to be superb, we must have a good digestive system and gut health. This would automatically boost our energy levels and immunity etc in us.

It must be noted that our body would show certain signs and these signs would indicate that the digestive system is in good shape.

Clean burp:

That we have a good digestive system is revealed by clean odourless burp after eating meals. When our stomach acids are well balanced, then the burp would be clean meaning it would not have bitter, sour or foul tastes. The food we eat would get broken down properly when the digestive system is good. There would not be acid reflux or gas formation issues etc.

Positive outlook for life:

Good digestion is also shown by the enthusiasm in us. Point is that after waking up we would look forward to the day. The body is filled with energy when it is fully nourished and due to that we would have a positive outlook for life.  It is true that when our body is not properly nourished then we could have poor digestion and this could lead to fatigue etc in us.

Clear urge to pass stools and urinate:

When our digestive system is in good shape, then we would get a clear urge for passing stools and urinating etc. Our gut would be healthy only if there is a proper removal of waste and toxins from the body. Sluggish or poor functioning digestive system is indicated by issues like constipation etc.

Feeling light after meals:

If we feel light after intake of meals, then our digestive system is in good condition. Feeling heavy after consuming meals would show that toxins have built up in the body.

Good appetite and thirst etc:

Healthy digestive system in us is also brought out by means of a good appetite and thirsty feeling. The digestive fire or agni is balanced and ready to breakdown food in the gut is shown by strong appetite. Proper hydration and well functioning metabolism is revealed by feeling thirsty at regular intervals of time.