Kumari Palany & Co

Job Opportunities for 661 Group C category in Avadi Heavy Vehicle factory

Posted on: 20/Apr/2016 10:04:38 AM
The announcement has been released to fill up the vacancies of 661 posts under Group C category in Heavy Vehicles Factory located in Aavadi, Chennai under the Ministry of Defence.

Applications are invited from eligible & interested candidates.

Details about vacancies:
1. Fitter General - 171
2. Examiner-Fitter - 27
3. Fitter (Armoured Fighting Vehicle) - 09
4. Machinist  - 187
5. Examiner-Machinist - 11
6. Welder - 110
7. Examiner-Welder - 01
8. Electrician - 57
9. Examiner- Electrician - 07
10. Fitter Electronics - 41
11. Examiner-Fitter Electronics - 02
12. Electroplater - 10
13. Painter – 05

Age limit: Candidates must be in the age group 18 - 32 as on the last date for application.

Qualifications: Candidates must have passed 10th Standard and should have NCVT certificates in the related field of work.

Non-Industrial Cadre (NIEs):

1. Lower Division Clerk (LDC) - 13

2. Store Keeper - 10

Age limit: Candidates must be in the age group 18 - 27 as on the last date for application.

Qualifications: Candidates must have passed +2 examinations.

Application Fees: For common & OBC candidates Rs. 50/-. For candidates belonging to SC/ST, women, and differently-abled category, no fees are applicable.

Monthly salary: Rs. 5200/- - Rs. 20200/- and quality allowance Rs. 1800/-.

Last date for applying online: 12th May, 2016.

Application forms will be available on the internet website from 22nd April, 2016.

The last date for receipt of printed online application forms duly filled: 22nd May, 2016.

For further details, visit website: ofbindia.gov.in/units/index.php?unit=hvf