Kumari Palany & Co

Is it a mistake to be a quiet person?

Posted on: 24/Jul/2018 1:07:18 PM
Relationship Tips by Mathi Surendran        Know more about Mathi Surendran
I am 25. I do not talk that much, not even with my husband. I feel uneasy to be very communicative, as I do not know what to talk with him. My husband wants me to be talkative. Is it a mistake to be a quiet person? What should I do to make my husband happy? - Hema from Villivakkam 

Hi Hema, 

Your husband is not asking you to be talkative. He is asking you to be communicative. And he is right in feeling so.I do not know why you feel hesitant to interact with your husband. 

Unless you communicate with your husband, you can never really understand him. When you do not talk with your husband, the gap between you will become wider and deeper. It is not good for your relationship, as the much intimacy between you will cease to exist. 
When you do not talk with your husband, it might become a habit with you. You might start liking to be with yourself. You cannot survive the ups and downs of your married life without the support of your husband.

Your husband is the only person with whom you can share all your feelings and emotions. There is no limitations to your interaction. It is this quality which makes marriage such a unique relationship. 

  • You can talk about your dreams and passions with him. 
  • You can ask your husband about his dreams and passion. 
  • You can tease him. 
  • You can discuss movies\politics\fashion\family gossips. Anything which comes to your mind.
  • You can put forth your likes and dislikes to your husband.

It is good that your husband wants you to interact, instead of finding comfort in your taciturn nature.

If your husband becomes withdrawn and reserved, you will not enjoy your married life. It is when you interact openly with your husband, will you get to know each other much better. When you have frank and open interaction with your husband, you will understand him from his viewpoint.

So, realize at least now that you should never feel reserved to talk with your husband. Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing, and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses - Ann Landers

You are going to spend the rest of your life with your husband. You will feel bored with your marriage when there is no interaction between you. So, open up. When you start interacting with your husband, you will feel intimacy between you developing. And you will start enjoying it. Good luck. 

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