Kumari Palany & Co

Important details about the deadly Marburg viral infection that is spreading fast now!!

Posted on: 14/Feb/2023 5:13:35 PM
In Equatorial Guinea in Africa, Marburg viral infection has been spreading very fast whose symptoms are similar to that of ebola virus. The patients with this infection have fever and chest pain etc. Lots of people have fallen sick and as many as 9 persons have died due to this new infection.  It is shocking to note that when the condition worsens the person affected would die.

Large scale outbreak of infection has occurred for the first time now and this has been warned by WHO or World Health Organisation. At the affected places, special teams have been deployed now. The team members are identifying, isolating and treating the patients affected by this Marburg viral infection.

The serious nature of this Marburg viral infection is now brought to light by WHO and it has taken steps to prevent spreading of the disease by deploying emergency health experts, infection control teams, labs, communication support systems etc in these areas with this deadly infection.

Dr. Matshidiso Moiti, Regional Director of WHO, mentioned that Marburg virus has been spreading very fast now and has warned that the mortality rate could be upto 88% also. He added that the patients with this infection would have symptoms like fever and headache etc.