Kumari Palany & Co

Beware of the vehicle audits in Chennai carried out by the GCTP!!

Posted on: 27/Jan/2023 9:42:23 AM
As many as 16107 vehicles were caught by the GTCP or Greater Chennai Traffic Police for incorrect registration numbers. and this is making news now. 

It is well known that the traffic police dept has been taking many measures to reduce the accidents and fatalities in the busy Chennai city. In this aspect, an increased penalty amount is being collected from the traffic violators in the city. There are many surveillance cameras set up across the city and even the fines are being imposed from the control room also.

It is worthy to note that the GTCP conducted a special checkup on 24t and on 25th January 2023 in the city and the registration numbers of the vehicles were checked by them. Checking was also done on the plates (on which the registration numbers were written) were of correct size or not.

Three locations coming under each traffic police zone were selected and  action was taken against those vehicles without a proper registration number. During the inspection, as manyas 16107 vehicles did not have a proper registration number and action was taken against these vehicles. Under suspicion, 145 vehicles have been stopped and these vehicles have been kept under the control of the traffic police dept. 

Point is that the crime branch is now verifying whether these 145 vehicles were used to commit crimes or whether they have been stolen from somewhere. The traffic police would continue to conduct vehicle audits in this manner in Chennai. Hence, the motosists have been asked to follow the traffic rules without fail.