Kumari Palany & Co

New curriculum for arts, sciences and engineering & diploma courses in TN!!

Posted on: 20/Dec/2023 9:31:55 AM
The news that the higher education department has taken a decision to review the syllabus of the arts and sciences and engineering and diploma courses has been the subject for discussion for many now.

It is worth mentioning here that currently there are about 30 diploma courses at 54 govt polytechnic colleges. In the same way, there are 12 UG and 17 PG engineering courses in 11 govt colleges. In 17 govt arts and sciences colleges, there are 20 UG and PG courses.

According to a senior official from higher education dept, by reviewing the syllabus for engineering courses, student`s knowledge would get strengthened and it would cater to the needs of the industrial requirements. By this, more students would get employment. He concluded that an expert committee was formed for the review process.

Working of the expert committee:

It is said that the expert committee would conduct periodical review meetings and would identify the subjects that need to be altered. Information is that the panel would have members from the govt, industries, academicians and students etc. While redesigning the curriculum, the feedback from various industries and the TN Guidance Bureau would be considered. It must be taken into account that the reformation would focus on the employability improvement and entrepreneurship outcomes etc.

Irrelevant topics and subjects in all the courses of arts and sciences group would be identified. Not the entire syllabus would be changed, but only the topic portions in the courses would be changed. The feedback would also be issued by TNSDC or Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation.

Change of old outdated equipments:

It is now said that in addition to the topics of the courses, the outdated equipment in the labs of the technical institutions like TN run engineering colleges and polytechnic colleges etc would also be altered.