Kumari Palany & Co

New facility for school students: Manarkeni Website opened!

Posted on: 23/Feb/2024 5:06:06 PM
The State Minister for School Education of the State Government of Tamil Nadu, Anbil Magesh, inaugurated the launch of the Manarkeni website yesterday (Thursday, 22nd February) for the Chennai Metro City School students.

In this website, the lessons in various subjects according to the syllabus from the First Standard to the 12th Standard are explained as video presentations compiled by the Tamil Nadu Council for Education, Research and Training.

In the first phase, the lessons for the subjects of Science, Mathematics, English, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology for the students from the 6th Standard to the 12th Standard (+2) have been presented.

There is a facility to check the learning skill of the students through a quiz programme at the end of each video clip. With this, the teachers can verify and confirm whether the lessons taught have been clearly understood by the students.

The progression of questions from the first to the last has been designed with increasing   difficulty levels to answer.

There are full answers as well for these questions.

If the students have any difficulty or doubts in the lesson, there are helpful tips all along as the video is played.

The videos have been prepared with the 2-D and 3-D animations. So, these lessons are easy to understand quickly and also remember whatever was learnt. NOTE THAT ALL THESE VIDEOS CAN BE DOWNLOADED WITHOUT ANY NEED FOR PASSWORDS!

THE WEBSITE: https://manarkeni.tnschools.gov.in.

The Mobile App for this can be had by accessing Google Play Store and typing `TNSED Manarkeni`