Kumari Palany & Co

Know about the World Bicycle Day that was celebrated in Chennai yesterday!!

Posted on: 04/Jun/2024 9:13:12 AM

Have you ever used a bicycle?

Older generation people would have used bicycles frequently. These days, we don`t see many riding bicycles on the streets and roads of Chennai. Many now prefer motorbikes or cars to reach their destinations.

On 3rd June, World Bicycle Day was celebrated in Chennai. It is surprising to note that there are still some bicycle shops functioning in Chennai and these shops have stood the test of time.  Many wholesalers as well as sellers shared their views regarding bicycles etc.

In the busy Broadway in north Chennai, B.M Davey is one of the oldest bicycle shops and it was opened in 1932. The shop owner Mr. Sailesh Davey spoke about how in those days his great grandfather Mr. Bhogilal Dhavey imported bicycles from England. He added that when bicycles were manufactured locally in India itself then their company began trading and exporting etc of bicycles.   

In 1936, Best Cycling Importing Co was opened by Mr. N.D. Mehta and this shop is present next to B.M. Davey on Broadway. This shop in those days offered just one model Standard Cycle. Mr. Prashant Mehta the current owner spoke about how there are many kids and fitness enthusiasts who use bicycles now. He then threw light on how the sustainability factor was very important in the age of heavy traffic and vehicles etc.

Mr. Sailesh concluded that the happiness of riding bicycles would always be there and the cycle industry would survive as we have grown up riding bicycles.