Vitamin B6 would contribute to our overall health by improving our brain function plus by boosting our mood and by providing superb immunity etc. Therefore, it is highly important that we must consume vitamin B 6 to avoid deficiency in this vitamin. It is also known as pyridoxine. Persons with vitamin B6 deficiency would show several symptoms like seizures, changes in mental health, anaemia, glossitis and rashes etc.
Sources of vitamin B6:
There are various sources that could provide vitamin B6 to us and these are vegetables, grains and meats etc. There are some fruits that can provide us with vitamin B6.
The fruits are
Bananas intake:
It is worth mentioning that bananas have good amounts of vitamin B6 in them. Point is that a medium sized banana would contribute 20% of vitamin B 6 to us. Bananas have fibres and potassium etc and these would provide superb energy and digestion.
Avocados intake:
Healthy fats are present in avocados is known. It is important to eat avocado for the sake of vitamin B6. Avocados are a superb addition to our daily diet.
Mango intake:
By consuming a single cup of sliced mangoes, we could get 0.2mg of vitamin B6. Mango has got antioxidants plus vitamins like A and C etc. Intake of mangoes could improve our immune system plus our eye health, skin health etc and we could avoid vitamin B6 deficiency well.
Papayas intake:
It is worthy to note that intake of papayas would improve our digestion well. Truth is that intake of one cup of papaya would provide us with 0.1mg of vitamins B6 with folate and vitamin C also.
Pineapples intake:
Our vitamin B6 levels would get better by consuming pineapples. Point is that one cup of pineapple would provide us with 0.1mg of vitamin B6. Bromelain is an enzyme that is present in pineapples that would help in digestion and would lower our inflammation etc.
Watermelons intake:
By consuming a cup of diced watermelons, we could get 0.1mg of vitamin B6. We would feel hydrated by consuming watermelon plus our brain function would become better.
Orange intake:
Many of us know that by eating oranges we could get vitamin C but not many would know the truth that eating oranges would help us to get vitamin B6 also. When we eat oranges every day, our immunity would get boosted plus collagen production would take place.
Various ways of maximising vitamin B6 absorption:
By combining with proteins:
Vitamin B6 absorption would be improved when we combine it with proteins as this would help in the amino acid synthesis.
By reducing alcohol intake:
Vitamin B6 would get drained off when we consume alcohol. Therefore, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol or reduce the intake.
By intake of balanced diet:
It is essential that a balanced diet must be consumed to maximise vitamin B6 absorption. It is believed that eating a balanced diet with lean meats, leafy vegetables and whole grains etc would help in the maintenance of vitamin B6.