Air India Express has launched a new flight service between Tiruchy and Dammam, the capital of Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province. The inaugural flight, which took off on Thursday with 123 passengers onboard, marks the beginning of a new direct connection between the two cities. The flight will operate twice a week, on Thursdays and Sundays.
According to the schedule, the flight departs from Tiruchy at 6:05 am local time and lands at Dammam`s King Fahd International Airport at 9:10 am local time, making the journey in approximately 5 hours and 35 minutes. On the return leg, the flight departs from Dammam at 10:10 am and arrives in Tiruchy at 5:40 pm local time.
The service is being operated using a Boeing 737-800 aircraft, providing passengers with a comfortable and efficient travel experience. Round-trip prices for the service range from Rs 15,559 to Rs 17,081, depending on the fare type, as per the airline’s website on January 3.
This new flight will not only benefit travelers from Tiruchy but will also provide convenient connections to other major cities like Chennai, Mumbai, and Hyderabad, further strengthening the connectivity between India and Saudi Arabia.