In order to help students from being stressed,
the CBSE board has launched counseling programme with Toll �free helpline 1800
11 7002 . This is only for Examination related questions. The
programme is built in scope for Psychological counseling. The is a
new initiative even though the counseling programme has been there for years.
This number is operational till 8th of April.. The help
lines are managed by 52 principals, trained counselors, social scientists and
Psychologists. The help line would work from 08 AM to 12 Midnight..
For the first time, the CBSE has set up centralized calling system; students
can contact the counselors on 011 - , 22236110, 22236111, 22236112, and
22236113. The telecounselling based on Voice Response System [IVRS] can be accessed
through BSNL, Airtel and Reliance networks, landline and mobile and Airtel:
1250102; Reliance [ CDMA]: 55500102.. Apart from all these CBSE has also
arrangements with certain print media, helping students through Q&A columns.